Biodesigned Experiments
for Earthly Survival
Discover, co-create and empower a community of creators building regenerative economies. Push the boundaries of design and unleash the creativity of the commons.
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San Francisco
The Living Data Pod is an autonomous floating platform designed to provide agency to local communities to test water quality and monitor ecological health. A central bio-material enclosure houses a “Planktonscope”, an open source imaging platform for citizen oceanography adapted to transmit visual data to local coastal communities.
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The Ocean Imagineer is a floating oyster hatchery and solar hydrogen production plant pilot project. We are building a floating oyster hatchery and setting it up in North point. On the roof, solar panels will power the production of hydrogen, the cleanest fuel for the future.
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Bella Coola, B.C.
Our vision is for Nuxalkmc to grow up in our home villages, eating our foods, speaking our language and living our culture for our entire lives.
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The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make and could just as easily make differently.
- David Graeber, Utopia of Rules